Sealcoating Savings: Reducing Costs for Brunswick, OH, Commercial Parking Lot Repairs and Maintenance

Most experienced pavement contractors understand that an asphalt pavement maintenance program has three different types of operations. These include emergency maintenance, preventive maintenance, and corrective maintenance. Here, emergency repair and maintenance is the most expensive while preventive maintenance is usually the least expensive type of maintenance operation. 

When it comes to preventive maintenance, sealcoating is a critical tool that keeps your pavements, driveways, and parking lots in excellent condition. Moreover, it also prolongs the timespan between corrective maintenance procedures.  

A well-thought-out and properly designed preventive maintenance program will preserve your pavement’s structure. Apart from that, it will also enhance its performance and keep it looking as good as new, regardless of daily wear and tear. Ultimately, the core goal is to reduce costs and effectively enhance the looks and performance of your paved surfaces. 

How Can Sealcoating Help?

This relatively inexpensive method can reduce the long-term costs of extensive repairs. UV radiation, for example, can adversely affect the asphalt’s structural integrity and overall appearance. In other words, the sun’s relentless heat can cause your asphalt pavement to fade. Eventually, its glossy black surface will be reduced to a dull gray. It can also cause your pavement to dry out until it starts crumbling and cracking. 

Sealcoating can resolve this issue since it adds a dense protective layer that will actively safeguard your pavement against harmful UV rays. This will save you the trouble and expense of frequent repairs and restoration projects. 

This process can also save you funds by helping to prevent your pavement from cracking and breaking. Once water seeps through even minuscule cracks, it can slip into the asphalt’s base and start eroding it. Eventually, your paving will lose its flexibility and durability, and potholes will start forming over the surface. However, a high-quality sealant layer will become an effective shield against all such damage. 

Finally, gas, grease, oil, and other vehicle fluids can break down the aggregate holding your pavement in place. If left unchecked, they can easily crack your pristine paving surfaces and leave them full of potholes. Sealcoating can also slow down this process and extend the service life of the surface. 

You can contact Pave All Ohio for all your Brunswick, OH, asphalt paving needs. As third-generation paving contractors, you can count on us to sealcoat your paving and extend its service life. 

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