How to Extend the Life of Your Asphalt Paving in Akron, OH: Tips and Tricks

Asphalt is capable of surviving a lot of wear and tear. In fact, that’s why it is widely considered to be the best paving material around. However, it does have its limitations. Exposure to water, for instance, can damage it. Chemical and oil spills, as well as the sun’s harmful UV radiation, can also accelerate its deterioration process. It may start small, but cracks and potholes will inevitably develop all over the surface. Asphalt damage can become very expensive if you don’t take care of the issues on time.  

However, you can take several preventative measures to offset costly repairs. Let’s take a quick look at what you can do to extend the life of your asphalt surfaces—and save a lot of money in the process.

  1. Seal Cracks as Soon as Possible

Once you see that your asphalt surface has started cracking, you should contact your paving specialists to seal them ASAP. In fact, this is your first line of defense as far as paving preservation is concerned. Even the smallest cracks will allow water to seep into your asphalt surface, ultimately washing away your substantial investment. Here, repairing even tiny cracks would also help decrease the decaying process.  

  1. Routine Sweeping

Cleaning your asphalt pavement and other surfaces at least once a week may seem like a lot of effort—but it’s worth it. Regularly removing debris, trash, snow, ice, dry leaves, and other garbage will enable you to keep a close eye on your asphalt. This means you will always know if anything is wrong and take proactive action accordingly. Of course, the sooner you spot any damage, the faster you can get it repaired so you won’t have to spring for major repaving expenses. 

Moreover, a surface full of debris will block water, which will pool on your paving and soak deep inside. If left unchecked, it will ruin its structural integrity, and in time, the surface will become more prone to potholes and cracks. 

However, you can easily prevent this by sweeping or blowing your asphalt paving. Apart from extending its service life, regular maintenance will also increase the curb value of your property. 

  1. Repair Any Drainage Issues

Improper drainage is the most common reason for rapid asphalt pavement deterioration. Stagnant water is widely considered by most paving specialists to be the biggest enemy of any paved surface. Apart from being a potent public safety hazard, large puddles on the surface are a tell-tale sign of a defective drainage system. The longer the water is left standing on the asphalt, the more damage it will cause. 

It would be a good idea to thoroughly examine the surface after rain and snow to check the efficacy of the catch basin and drainage system. 

We at Pave All Ohio have been in the asphalt paving business for over three generations. Rest assured that you can always rely on us for all your Akron, OH asphalt paving issues.

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